Roadway Functional Classification System

Functional classification is the process by which the nation's network of streets and highways are categorized according to the type of service they provide. It represents the function of a roadway based on several factors including volume of traffic and types of trips served. 

Functional classification is used in transportation planning, roadway design and the allocation of federal roadway improvement funds. It was introduced by the Federal Highway Administration in the late 1960s, which developed federal guidelines for local governments and planning organizations to use in maintaining the functional classification system in their own jurisdictions.

Functional Classification Process

As the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Kansas City region, it is MARC's responsibility to develop and maintain the functional classification system of roadways within its planning boundaries through coordination with local cities, counties and the state departments of transportation.

Functional Classification Map

MARC maintains an interactive web map of the Functional Classification System that allows users to zoom in on an area of interest and turn on additional informational layers. During a call for changes to the system, jurisdictions can review existing classifications as well as propose changes or new classifications using this map. 

MARC issues a Call for Changes to the Functional Classification System twice a year. 

Layer Title
Fall 2024 Call for Changes Schedule
Month Process
August Fall Call for Changes opens on Aug. 19. Formal announcements at the Total Transportation Policy Committee (TTPC) (Aug. 20).
September Deadline to submit changes to MARC is Sept. 20.
September-November MARC staff and state DOTs review requested changes for compliance with federal classification guidance. Recommendations are shared with each requesting jurisdiction.
November Recommendations presented for approval to the Highway Committee meeting (Nov. 20).
December Changes approved by the Highway Committee presented for approval at the TTPC and MARC Board meetings on Dec. 17. Final Board approved changes submitted to the State DOTs who then submit to the Federal Highway Administration.