Other MARC Sites

Mid-America Regional Council, in conjunction with select partner organizations, operates a family of websites to explore our programs and focus areas in greater detail.

Aging and Health

Fruits and vegetables on a grocery store display

Double Up Foodbucks | DoubleUpHeartland.org

Helping families getting more fruits and vegetables with their EBT dollars at select farmers markets and grocery stores.

Early Learning

Head Start student with a puzzle

MARC Head Start Programs | MARCHeadStart.org

Connecting families and providers to MARC Head Start programs and resources in Clay, Jackson and Platte counties.


A woman standing in an office near a laptop

Metro KC Gov Jobs | MetroKCGovJobs.org

Find open positions in city, county and state governments and public sector organizations.


Sunny blue sky with light clouds

Air Q | AirQKC.org

Providing information and resources to keep our air clean, including the daily SkyCast during ozone season.

Bike rider and bus in downtown Kansas City

Climate Action Plan | KCMetroClimatePlan.org

An in-depth look at the Kansas City Regional Climate Action Plan, which aims to mitigate climate change by achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

A person empties food scraps into a kitchen compost bin

Kansas City Food Wise | KCFoodWise.org

Learn simple steps to reduce food waste and explore the food system map to better understand our regional food system.

Recycling container at a recycling center

RecycleSpot | RecycleSpot.org

Kansas City Metro Area’s one-stop spot for recycling, reuse and waste reduction information.

Small waterfall surrounded by trees

Clean Water | CleanWaterKCMetro.org

Providing resources and information to keep our waterways clean and free of pollution.

Safety and Security

Group of tactical officers in a training exercise

Kansas City Regional Fusion Center | KCRFC.org

Bringing local, state and federal law enforcement officials together with public and private organizations to detect, deter and respond to terrorist threats in our region.

Water rescue training exercise with Shawnee Fire Department

PrepareMetroKC | PrepareMetroKC.org

Delivering resources and educational tools for disaster preparedness and response in our region, including COVID-19.


Freight trains heading off into the sunset

Connected KC 2050

As the metropolitan transportation plan for the Kansas City region, Connected KC 2050 serves as a blueprint for managing the transportation system for the next 30 years.

Commuters walking to a vehicle for carpooling

WAY TO GO | WayToGoKC.org

WAY TO GO helps users navigate the many sustainable transportation options in the Kansas City area, including biking, transit and carpooling. 
