
Working toward a safe, balanced and equitable transportation system

Creating an efficient transportation system connecting quality places

MARC’S Transportation department establishes priorities, guides investments and supports coordinated operations to implement the region’s long-range plan for a safe, balanced and equitable transportation system. It advances the region’s vision for quality places, focusing development and redevelopment energy around mixed-use, walkable activity centers, and the transportation corridors that connect them.

Freight trains heading off into the sunset

Connected KC 2050

As the metropolitan transportation plan for the Kansas City region, Connected KC 2050 serves as a blueprint for managing the transportation system for the next 30 years.

Mother putting child in car seat

Destination Safe

Destination Safe brings a diverse group of partners involved in education, engineering, enforcement and emergency response together to make our roads safer for all travelers.

People reviewing street map

Planning Sustainable Places

Planning Sustainable Places uses federal funds to support local planning and project development activities that further the creation of places that are vibrant, connected and green.

People walking on the Trolley Track trail

Regional Trails and Bikeways Map

MARC’s Trails and Bikeways Map is a regional effort to map more than 2,000 miles of trails and bikeways across the Kansas City region.

Public Input

Share your thoughts

MARC serves as the metropolitan planning organization for eight counties in the Kansas City region. Many of our programs are funded with your tax dollars and may affect transportation in your community. Share your thoughts on current plans and projects.

People talking at transportation planning open house
Transportation Snapshot

Find transportation-related data for the eight-county MARC transportation planning boundary.

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