Transportation Safety Call for Projects

KDOT logo
Destination Safe logo
MoDOT logo and Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety logo

Transportation Safety Call for Projects Intent: fund innovative projects that work toward reducing traffic crash fatalities and serious injuries through education, emergency response, and/or enforcement.

Funding and grant management for this call is provided by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) through the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety (MCRS).

The Destination Safe Coalition works to prevent transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries within the Destination Safe Region. 

While any non-infrastructure related projects will be considered, the top focus areas are:

  • Unrestrained occupants.
  • Aggressive drivers — speeding, following too closely, etc.
  • Impaired drivers — alcohol and drug use, including prescription drugs.
  • Distracted drivers.
  • Teen drivers.
  • Older drivers.
  • Pedestrians.

Funding requests are typically between $100 and $20,000 (maximum for MoDOT MCRS funds).

Person buckling seat belt in car
Layer Title
Application Schedule
February 24, 2025, 9 a.m. Call for projects portal opens for applications
March 17, 2025, 11:59 p.m. Call for projects portal closes for applications
July 30, 2025 Formal Announcement of FY2026 Call for Projects Awards at Destination Safe Committee Meeting


Any nonprofit organization, jurisdiction, governmental entity, or for-profit business is eligible to apply. The program must serve an area within the boundaries of the Destination Safe Coalition, which includes counties in the Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission boundary and the MARC boundary.

Please see the Destination Safe Guidelines for additional information. 

Kansas counties

  • Johnson County, Kansas
  • Leavenworth County, Kansas
  • Miami County, Kansas
  • Wyandotte County, Kansas

Missouri counties

  • Cass County, Missouri
  • Clay County, Missouri
  • Jackson County, Missouri
  • Johnson County, Missouri
  • Lafayette County, Missouri
  • Pettis County, Missouri
  • Platte County, Missouri
  • Ray County, Missouri
  • Saline County, Missouri

Eligible applicants may only apply for funding from their home state. Any applicants who have received funding a previous year but did not complete the requirements of the agreement will be ineligible for the following grant cycle.

Application tips

The best applications are:

  • Innovative.
  • Include data to support why a certain project should be prioritized.
  • Make a clear case for how the project will address the issue or issues.
  • Explain past experiences that will demonstrate the ability to do the project.
  • Include partner agencies.

And they address how the project will use strategies from any of the following plans:

Past examples of successful projects include

  • Education: Youth and older driver outreach programs
  • Emergency Response: Stop the bleed training
  • Enforcement: Message boards, handheld RADAR

Existing programs

The goal of this funding is to support innovative and effective programming to reduce the number of traffic crash fatalities and serious injuries. To do that, it’s important to know what ongoing programs are already funded in the area.

Buckle Up Phone Down logo with blue thumb up and red thumb down

Buckle Up Phone Down

BUPD is a program that encourages individuals and businesses to make the pledge to do the two most important things to move the needle closer to the ultimate goal of zero deaths on our roadways: wearing a seatbelt and not driving distracted. This program includes resources, information and logos. This resource is available for anyone to use as part of their program.

Black teenage boy in driver's seat of red car

Seatbelts Are for Everyone

KDOT funds SAFE, a teen-run, peer-to-peer program that focuses on increasing teen restraint compliance through education, positive rewards, and enforcement. It is designed to bring awareness to the importance of wearing a seatbelt, therefore reducing the number of motor vehicle-related injuries and fatalities across Kansas. If your program includes outreach to high schools in Kansas, you are encouraged to contact the Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office.

Small child in car seat

Kansas City Regional Outreach

KDOT has an existing contract regarding traffic safety efforts in Wyandotte, Johnson, Douglas, Leavenworth and Miami counties, especially in the areas of child passenger safety, increasing occupant protection of all ages, employer programs, older driver programs, and reducing impaired driving. If you have traffic safety needs within these counties, please contact the KTSRO traffic safety specialist for the region.

Black and red text saying Show-Me Zero

Show-Me Zero

Show-Me Zero is a strategic highway safety plan for eliminating fatalities and serious injuries on Missouri roadways. Through a collaborative effort of diverse stakeholders, Show-Me Zero takes a multi-disciplined approach to achieve safer roads through education, public policy, enforcement, engineering and emergency response.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are examples of eligible costs?

Examples of eligible costs include but are not limited to public health fair expo fees, safety assemblies, speakers' fees, travel expenses, education, printed materials, and design work.

Are partners required?

No, but we encourage partnering with local organizations to accomplish your project. When agencies work together, it uses funds more efficiently and promotes collaboration across various types of organizations.

How do I find partners?

Destination Safe is made up of agencies and organizations that all value and work toward promoting traffic safety, so it is a great starting point to find partners. Partners can include any agency within or outside of Destination Safe. To be considered a partner on your project, a representative from that agency must play an active role in the project for which you are applying for funds.

Who can I ask for help with an application?

Any of the Destination Safe Program Managers can help answer questions you may have.

  • KDOT: Noel Schneider, 785-296-7416 ext. 67416
  • MoDOT: Debra Huwar,, 816-607-2187
  • Pioneer Trails RPC: Christopher Hess,, 660-463-7934
I can think of other ways the item I want to purchase will benefit our organization outside of my project. Can I plan on using the purchased items outside of traffic safety?

No. All costs must be tied directly to an event or program with the purpose of improving traffic safety.

How is grant funding received?

Both Kansas and Missouri distribute grant funds through reimbursement. If your project is funded, you will receive correspondence from the applicable organization with contracts and information regarding the reimbursement process. No expenses should be incurred until the appropriate funding contract is signed and executed. Invoices submitted for reimbursements after the last invoice deadline will not be processed.

Can I apply for more than one project?

Yes. You can apply for more than one project, but you must submit a separate application for each project.


Contact us

Still have a question? Contact Destination Safe.
