Environment Plans

Air Quality

Clouds over Kansas City skyline

Clean Air Action Plan

The Clean Air Action Plan is the Kansas City region's comprehensive, community-based voluntary strategy for reducing ozone pollution.

KC Scout statue on a cloudy day

Ozone Summaries

MARC tracks local ozone monitor readings and provides data summaries to the community after each ozone season.

Person completing an online survey

MARC Air Quality Survey Reports

The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) conducts an annual Air Quality Survey of residents in the metropolitan Kansas City area. 

Climate Resilience

Climate Action Plan logo

Climate Action Plan

The first-ever KC Regional Climate Action Plan proposes a flexible framework to help mitigate climate change by achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The full Climate Action Plan and nine focus areas are laid out on a dedicated website for reference and sharing.


Visitors observing a demonstration of solar panels at work

Solar Energy White Papers

These reports showcase the progress and outcomes of solar best practices in preparation and education.

A collection of EV charging stations in a green area

Regional EV Readiness Plan

MARC is working with a steering committee and regional electric vehicle infrastructure stakeholders to develop the Kansas City Regional EV Readiness Plan. See how you can get involved.

Natural Spaces

Green Infrastructure Analysis Cover

Green Infrastructure Framework

The Green Infrastructure Framework expands the definition of green infrastructure beyond stormwater to incorporate the use of integrated, nature-based solutions to realize multiple benefits and solve community challenges.

Woman and child walking on trail next to water

MetroGreen Action Plan

The MetroGreen Action Plan provides a greenprint for a metropolitan trails system that connects urban and rural green corridors to protect and restore waterways, native habitats and greenways.

Trail and wildflowers at Gardner Junction of the historic trails

Historic Trails Retracement Plan

This plan outlines strategies for retracing three historic trails — the Santa Fe, Oregon and California trails — through the Kansas City region. 

Excerpt from cross section diagram of green infrastructure's benefits to the larger built environment

Green Infrastructure Built Environment Diagram

This illustration shows integrated green infrastructure solutions at a community scale along with their benefits.

Solid Waste and Recycling

An aerial view of a tractor in a landfill

Regional landfill capacity study

MARC concluded a study, led by Burns & McDonnell, to forecast regional landfill capacity. The study is intended to inform solid waste planning, programming and permitting activities, at the state, regional and local levels and to serve as a prelude to a future regional solid waste plan.

Expired packaged produce in a dumpster

Food Loss and Waste Reduction Action Plan

Food loss and waste has a negative impact on our community, economy and the environment. The new Food Loss and Waste Action Plan provides a comprehensive set of solutions designed to reduce the amount of food wasted and sent to landfills in the Kansas City region.

Curbside recycling in Wyandotte County, Kan.

Residential Solid Waste Survey

The MARC Solid Waste Management District conducts a survey of metro residents to provide a snapshot of the region's waste management system and its potential future.

Waste in a landfill

Sustainable Solid Waste Management Study

Sustainable Solid Waste Management Study to provides a snapshot of the region’s current waste management system, a future snapshot if no changes are made, and alternative strategies.

Water Quality

Green Infrastructure Project at the Shawnee Mission School District

Water Quality White Papers

These reports outline benefits and strategies to incorporate green stormwater infrastructure and management practices across our region.

Bioretention Pond near Vivion and North Oak

Manual of Best Management Practices for Stormwater Quality

This report provides developers, engineers and planners with flexible tools to reduce the volume of stormwater discharge while conserving water quality at the same time.

Water Manhole Cover

Regional Water Quality Surveys

MARC conducts a Water Quality Community Planning Survey of residents in the metropolitan Kansas City area every two years to measure the impact of water quality education efforts. 

Map of the Little Blue River watershed

Little Blue River Watershed Study

The United States Army Corps of Engineers is partnering with local communities to conduct a comprehensive watershed feasibility study of the area to investigate whether changes in the Little Blue River Watershed are affecting flood risk and to explore areas in the watershed where ecosystem restoration can be implemented.
