Workforce Development

Millions of Americans face unemployment and struggle to find jobs that match their existing skillset. Likewise, many employers in a range of industries and sectors say they cannot find skilled workers to fill their current job openings and grow their businesses. The Mid-America Regional Council works with regional partners to connect those dots.

MARC works to enhance the performance of the metropolitan economy and expand economic opportunity, focusing on workforce development systems and postsecondary educational attainment using research and analysis.

blue box with white line chart with up arrow

Labor Force Data by County

View employment, unemployment and labor force data by county in the MARC region.

blue background with white bar chart and people icon

Demographic Data by County

View population, age, race and ethnicity, and other data points by county in the MARC region.

Statue in front of Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City

Monthly Workforce Indicators

The Monthly Workforce Indicators offer a look at the regional workforce including both seasonally adjusted employment and unemployment, employment by industry and the region’s employment growth ranking against 10 peer metros.

Drawing of a diverse group of people

Census 2020 Analysis

The 2020 census reveals the Kansas City region is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. Explore these changing demographics at various scales and examine what it means for the future of our region.

Group sitting outside in downtown Overland Park, Kan.

2020 Census County Profiles

These profiles of counties in the MARC region highlight census data and trends, information on total population change, components of change (births, deaths and migration), and change by race and ethnicity.

Woman using tablet with manufacturing machines behind

Regional Workforce Intelligence Network

The Regional Workforce Intelligence Network encourages greater collaboration among the region's workforce data and information professionals. RWIN is a collaboration of economic development professionals, one-stop centers, workforce centers, community colleges and universities that meet quarterly.

Man taking notes from open book

Government-to-University Initiative

The Government-to-University Initiative’s mission is to foster networking and information sharing to grow the talent pipeline for public sector careers in the region. 
