Government-to-University Initiative


Government-to-University Network logo

Responding to the high need for talented public servants in government, MARC partnered with The Volcker Alliance to launch the Government-to-University Initiative (G2U), which builds lasting connections between government and universities. 

G2U started with the premise that the performance of our government institutions depends significantly on the training and education of talented public servants.

G2U has three primary objectives: 

  1. To cultivate a vital talent pipeline into the public sector workforce.
  2. To ensure that the workforce has the skills to meet public sector challenges.
  3. To provide answers to government’s top priority research questions.

The Kansas City G2U Regional Coalition accomplishes these objectives. Led by a steering committee, the vibrant, structured network connects local, state and federal government leaders in the region with key faculty and administrators from surrounding colleges and universities. The steering committee assigns work groups to drive progress on G2U priorities such as regional recruitment, public sector professional development, market analysis and networking. 

Upcoming events

G2U Resources

Regional Data Academy

Regional Data Academy

The Regional Data Academy is intended to help individuals in local governments make sense of public sector data, effectively use the data and develop clear and appropriate presentations of civic data. Courses may be taken individually or as part of the Regional Data Academy certificate program. 

People working together

Metro KC Gov Jobs

Metro KC Gov Jobs is the place to find public sector jobs in the Kansas City region. Find great open positions looking for qualified candidates like you.

Overhead shot of a table with five university students doing academic work

Talent Connections Toolkit

The toolkit is a comprehensive guide to strengthen relationships between government employers and higher education institutions to promote public sector careers for recent college graduates. 

G2U Steering Commitee

The regional coalition is governed by a steering committee comprised of members from local universities and government leaders in the region.

Public Sector TIE Report

The Talent-to-Industry Exchange (TIE) is a tool to gather real-time industry and labor market information and to inform strategies for growing the region’s talent pool, strengthening the talent pipeline, and aligning employer and educational stakeholder interests.

G2U brought a proven private sector talent pipeline strategy into the public sector context. The Talent-to-Industry Exchange (TIE) is a detailed economic and labor analysis of public administration employment in the Kansas City region. Quantitative data analysis was supplemented by interviews and focus groups with employers, career services professionals and recent hires. Leveraging this analysis, government and university stakeholders will confirm public sector workforce development priorities and implement an action plan to recruit top talent where there is the greatest need.

Career Expo KC

Public Sector Career Expo

The Public Service Career Expo helps middle and high-school students explore high-demand and rewarding career opportunities in local government. With support from The Volcker Alliance’s Government-to-University Initiative and The DeBruce Foundation, 17 cities and counties across the Kansas City region co-sponsor the expo. 
