Early Learning Training Services

MARC Early Learning Training Services program logo

Child Care Collaborative Networks

An icon of a network of connected circles in a sphere shape

MARC is contracted by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Office of Childhood (OOC) to administer the Child Care Collaborative Networks in Northwest Missouri.

Refugee Family Childcare Microenterprise Development program

MARC Early Learning was awarded a grant by the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Refugee Resettlement to help those with qualified immigration statuses or categories* to start childcare programs in their homes.

Please contact MARC Early Learning to learn more about this program. 

* Statuses include refugee, asylee, Cuban or Haitian entrant, Iraqi or Afghan special immigrant, Amerasian, victims of human trafficking or others eligible for Office of Refugee Resettlement services for less than five years. 
