Operation Green Light

Operation Green Light is a cooperative effort to improve the operation of traffic signals on major routes throughout the Kansas City area. This is accomplished through signal coordination, communications, incident response, knowledge and resource sharing, and prompt diagnosis and dispatch for malfunctions. 

Depending on factors like the length of a trip and the number of traffic lights, coordinated signals can save seconds or even minutes for a driver. Since thousands of vehicles travel along each road on a weekday, this adds up to noticeably improved traffic flow, especially during rush hour periods in the morning and afternoon. 

Well-managed signals also work with the Kansas City Scout freeway management system to help respond to traffic incidents. Operation Green Light’s wireless communications system allows analysts to make changes remotely to a signal without having to visit the intersection. This reduces costs and increases the likelihood that signal problems are resolved quickly. 

By decreasing how long motorists idle at intersections, Operation Green Light helps reduce emissions that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, the Kansas City area’s main air pollutant.

Bucket truck repairing traffic signal

The Operation Green Light Program works closely with KC Scout to help manage crashes. If freeway traffic is diverted to arterials, OGL responds by adapting signal timing to timing to manage the overflow conditions when and where possible. The program also responds to traffic signal issues with troubleshooting to get signals running at optimal performance as quickly as possible 

State and local governments make significant public investments in street and highway networks. Operating them safely and efficiently is in everyone’s best interest. Updating traffic signal operations for changing travel patterns is a cost-effective way to ensure the public continues to benefit from past investments in our regional streets and highways. 

Bucket truck repairing traffic signal

Operation Green Light System Map

The system map shows all traffic signals in the region, including those on the OGL network.

Downtown street with lights, cars and building

Strategic Plan

Operation Green Light updates its strategic plan every four years.


Operation Green Light Committee

The Operation Green Light Committee works to improve the coordination of traffic signals on major routes throughout the Kansas City area, especially those that cross city limits. This project helps to reduce unnecessary delays, improve traffic flow and reduce emissions that contribute to ozone pollution.


These agencies participate in Operation Green Light:

  • Federal Highway Administration
  • Kansas Department of Transportation
  • Missouri Department of Transportation
  • Mid-America Regional Council


  • Bonner Springs
  • Fairway
  • Kansas City
  • Lansing
  • Leavenworth
  • Leawood
  • Lenexa
  • Merriam
  • Mission
  • Mission Woods
  • Olathe
  • Overland Park
  • Prairie Village
  • Roeland Park
  • Shawnee
  • Westwood


  • Belton
  • Blue Springs
  • Gladstone
  • Grandview
  • Independence
  • Kansas City
  • Lee's Summit
  • Liberty
  • North Kansas City
  • Raymore
  • Raytown
Download a PDF at the link below
Education and promotional materials

Download the traffic signals basics poster and the Operation Green Light handout and brochure.


Operation Green Light traffic signal enhancements…

February 14, 2025

Bucket truck installing camera on traffic signal pole in an intersection