Public Participation Plan

MARC seeks to provide participation opportunities for residents interested in the transportation planning process and to engage members of the community who have not traditionally been involved. It is MARC’s goal to have a significant, ongoing public participation process that ensures early and continuous involvement in all major transportation decisions.

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) provides a framework that guides public involvement in MARC’s transportation planning projects. It specifies goals, strategies and techniques that encourage successful public participation.

MARC uses a range of public involvement strategies throughout the development of its core transportation plans. The PPP sets a consistent standard across different planning efforts but recognizes that strategies may vary by project. Early engagement and continuous participation are important goals that merit consideration in all transportation planning processes.

Our goal is to have significant and ongoing public participation in transportation planning processes. Education and outreach are essential parts of informing the public about how decisions are made at the metropolitan level, and MARC seeks to improve opportunities for residents to voice ideas, input and values regarding transportation.
