A 911 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, signed by the ten counties in the region, formalized the cooperation among governments for the regional 911 emergency communications system. By signing the agreement, participating counties commit to:
- Implementing a region-wide modernization of the 911 equipment used by public safety answering points.
- Sharing the operational, administrative and maintenance costs of the regional 911 system on a per capita basis.
- Establishing an oversight policy and coordinating committee for the ongoing management of the regional 911 system.
Standardization of equipment allows local communities to share a common support system, everything from training to spare parts. Cooperation allows communities to stay up to date on new technology and build a cohesive 911 system for the future.
MARC, with guidance from the Public Safety Communications Board engages in the following activities and projects:
- Monthly review of the 911 system telephone bills and allocation to counties based on a per capita formula.
- Audit of all 911 system telephone bills by all providers.
- Development and coordination of region-wide public education and promotion efforts.
- Development and coordination of region-wide training opportunities for public safety communications personnel.
- Coordinating activities of the 911 committees and task forces.
- Reviewing 911 surcharge fund balances and tax rates.
- Maintaining 911 selective routing database and repair escalation procedures
- Provide comprehensive support service, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year for all regionally-owned components of the 911 system, including. but not limited to, selective routers, customer premise equipment and mircrowave links.