
July 20, 2023 | Posted in Aging
hispanic father and son

A CHW helped a cancer patient find insurance coverage - and peace of mind.

July 17, 2023 | Posted in Economy & Housing
union hill apartments photo

In the last decade, the number of rental units available for under $1,000 per month fell by 6.3 million units nationwide. 

July 11, 2023 | Posted in Safety & Security
An older man wipes sweat from his head and holds a bottle of water

Protect your health and the environment during periods of extreme heat.

July 11, 2023 | Posted in News
Five summer interns stand next to a heart-shaped sculpture

This year, MARC partnered with ProX, an initiative providing real-world learning experiences for local high school students, to find five summer interns to join our team.

July 10, 2023 | Posted in
A meter showing an orange reading against a sky

SkyCast forecasts poor air quality for Tuesday, July 11, 2023. 

July 10, 2023 | Posted in Aging
Give 5 graduates

On Friday, June 2, participants from the spring 2023 Give 5 classes received their certificates of completion. 

July 3, 2023 | Posted in Environment
A meter showing an orange reading against a sky

SkyCast forecasts poor air quality on Tuesday, July 4, 2023.

July 3, 2023 | Posted in Environment

Make clean, environmental choices when celebrating.

July 3, 2023 | Posted in News
Attendees at the June 2023 Board Meeting

Thanks to everyone who joined the MARC Board of Directors and Budget and Personnel Committee meetings on June 27.

June 29, 2023 | Posted in Safety & Security
911 operator using a handheld radio

MARC and Public Safety Communications Board leadership have outlined a series of actions to enable an auto-attendant feature in Kansas City, Missouri.