Data Tools and Interactive Maps

Housing and Economy Tools


Regional Housing Data Hub

The regional Housing Data Hub underpins all the work undertaken by the Regional Housing Partnership. It is essential to the first element of data and analytics that will ground strategies and inform policy and decision-making.

Family dancing outdoors at the Overland Park Farmer's Market

Population Explorer

The Population Explorer provides access to commonly requested demographic, economic, household and health data in map, chart and tabular form.

Statue in front of Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City

Monthly Workforce Indicators

The Monthly Workforce Indicators offer a look at the regional workforce including both seasonally adjusted employment and unemployment, employment by industry and the region’s employment growth ranking against 10 peer metros.

Transportation and Environment Tools

Aerial view of interstate exchange

Regional Traffic Forecast Map

This map displays the base year model assignment, future traffic volume forecasts, and relevant socio-economic data summarized by Traffic Analysis Zones for the MARC planning area.

Bucket truck repairing traffic signal

Operation Green Light System Map

The system map shows all traffic signals in the region, including those on the OGL network.

two men assessing damage from car crash

Transportation Safety Data Dashboard

The transportation safety data dashboard is intended to help advocates and safety professionals understand traffic crashes throughout the region. The data can be isolated by priority, county, year and more. 

Line of cars on a freight train

Freight Map

The Freight map shows rail yards, foreign trade zones, truck parking and rest areas and freight activity areas across the region. 

Planning Sustainable Places project plan with public feedback on post-it notes

Planning Sustainable Places Atlas

This map supports the Planning Sustainable Places program by providing data for characteristics that contribute to the success of a sustainable place.

People riding bikes on bike lane along Grand Avenue

Complete Streets Network Assessment

This map assigns a complete street score to street segments based on values for variables like sidewalk presence, the speed limit of the street, lighting, and traffic volume.

Bicyclists riding on Indian Creek Trail

Green Region Explorer

The Green Region Explorer shows existing and planned MetroGreen corridors and bikeways.

People walking on the Trolley Track trail

Regional Trails and Bikeways Map

MARC’s Trails and Bikeways Map is a regional effort to map more than 2,000 miles of trails and bikeways across the Kansas City region.

Additional Tools

Aerial image of the MARC region

Quick Stats

Fast access to population, household, housing, workforce and at-risk population data in the region, available by city or county. 

Group reading a story in an early education classroom

Greater Kansas City Early Learning Landscape

This tool provides data to inform decision-making and community planning to enhance the regional early learning system. It offers visual data mapping and the ability to generate reports by zip code, school district boundary, or city.

Prescription drugs

Pharmaceutical Take-Back and Safe Disposal Locations in Missouri

Find pharmacies, law enforcement locations, hospitals and other places to safely dispose of prescription drugs throughout the state of Missouri.

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