Defining the problem

To better understand how and why severe crashes are occurring on our roads, we analyzed five years of crash data (2016-2020) from the 13-county Destination Safe region to help reveal areas of concern and underlying crash factors. Here are some of the findings.

two men assessing damage from car crash

For every traffic crash fatality, there are five suspected serious injuries.

Car dashboard with blurred street lights through windshield

Speed accounted for 29% of 2020 fatalities — a 56% increase from the previous five-year average.

Close up image of seat belt being buckled

Unrestrained occupants accounted for 44% of fatalities and 23% of suspected serious injuries.

Map of crash locations in Destination Safe counties

Crashes happen everywhere.

Feet of pedestrian stepping into crosswalk

While walking accounts for only 6.12% of all travel, pedestrians constitute 13% of crash fatalities.

Road with sign that says important intersection ahead

All tracked infrastructure focus areas — lane departure, fixed object, horizontal curve, intersections, head-on — experienced increases in fatalities in 2020.

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