AED Registry


AED and CPR training

An automated external defibrillator (AED) can help save the life of someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.  

AEDs are lightweight, portable devices that automatically analyze heart rhythms and determine if a shock is needed. They are easy to use, safe and effective. 

MARC Region AED Registration

Some cities in the region have AED registration ordinances.  

Depending on where your AED is located, there are two ways to register your AED:

MARC Region AED Registration

If your AED is located within the following locations, please use the PulsePoint form to register your AED: 

  • Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte or Ray counties (except for in the city of Kansas City, Missouri) in Missouri.  
  • Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami or Wyandotte counties in Kansas.  

Kansas City, Missouri, AED Registration

If your AED is located within the city limits of Kansas City, Missouri, learn more about the city’s Public Access Defibrillator AED Registration program through the Office of the EMS Medical Director. 
