
May 1, 2023 | Posted in Economy & Housing
house made of puzzle pieces

Data show that the Kansas City region faces an affordable housing gap of almost 64,000 units for low-income renters. MARC's housing program explores who this reality most acutely impacts, including people of color, households with young children, households with aging adults and people with disabilities. 

April 4, 2023 | Posted in Economy & Housing
housing is the missing puzzle piece

A lack of nearly 64,000 affordable rental units in the Kansas City region leaves low-income households with limited options.

March 2, 2023 | Posted in Economy & Housing
Map showing redlined areas in Kansas City

The relationship between race and housing in the United States has a long past and a lasting impact. Understanding this relationship in the Kansas City region is critical for comprehending the housing patterns we have today and planning a more equitable tomorrow.

November 28, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing
woman searching for apartment rentals online

Rental and single-family housing costs and supply show early indications of a changing direction. Is this a blip or will a trend towards a more affordable market emerge?

November 4, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing
Neighborhood with dense housing options

Increasing numbers of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties are eligible to leave the program. What happens next?

October 6, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing

Two studies examine workforce housing challenges in the Kansas City region. Both identify the need to increase the supply of affordable, quality housing options all residents.

September 16, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing

New analysis shows how a shortage of affordable housing options in the Kansas City region challenges the workers our communities depend on most