Aging and Adult Services Events

April 07, 2025 | 11:00 am

Each year, Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in Missouri submit area plans to the state for the coming year. The MARC AAA planning and service area (PSA) covers five counties in Missouri (Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte, and Ray). The MO State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2026 MARC Area Agency on Aging draft area plan, is available for comments.

Focus Area: Aging
May 01, 2025 | 05:00 pm

The annual Age Positive: Ideas for an Age-Friendly Future conference provides a forum for innovative program ideas to enhance current older adult programming, develop new programs and offers workshops to help participants hone leadership skills. The conference brings national and regional presenters together to discuss best practices in their fields. This conference is best suited for professionals and volunteers working in senior centers, community centers, libraries, park districts and other venues that offer programming for older adults.

Focus Area: Aging
May 02, 2025 | 08:30 am

The annual Age Positive: Ideas for an Age-Friendly Future conference provides a forum for innovative program ideas to enhance current older adult programming, develop new programs and offers workshops to help participants hone leadership skills. The conference brings national and regional presenters together to discuss best practices in their fields. This conference is best suited for professionals and volunteers working in senior centers, community centers, libraries, park districts and other venues that offer programming for older adults.

Focus Area: Aging