
November 28, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing
woman searching for apartment rentals online

Rental and single-family housing costs and supply show early indications of a changing direction. Is this a blip or will a trend towards a more affordable market emerge?

November 21, 2022 | Posted in Local Government
Public Officials Directory graphic

We’re interested in learning if – and how – you use MARC's Public Officials Directory, and how we can improve it in the future.

November 20, 2022 | Posted in Aging
2022 Silver-Haired Legislature

The 49th Annual Conference of the Silver-Haired Legislature took place at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City Oct. 18-20.

November 9, 2022 | Posted in Environment
This is a collage of three pictures from the Green Commute Challenge

RideshareKC's Green Commute Challenge returned for its 14th year this fall, welcoming more than 300 participants from teams around the Kansas City region committed to taking greener ways to work for six weeks.

November 4, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing
Neighborhood with dense housing options

Increasing numbers of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties are eligible to leave the program. What happens next?

November 4, 2022 | Posted in News
October 2022 board meeting

Thanks to everyone who joined the MARC Board of Directors and Budget and Personnel Committee meetings on Oct. 25. We’re sharing selected highlights from the meetings for your awareness and use in regional conversations.

November 4, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing
KC Workforce Indicators logo

September’s workforce data suggests that employment growth continues despite the Federal Reserve’s actions to slow the economy to reduce inflation.

October 26, 2022 | Posted in Aging
national family caregivers month

November is National Family Caregivers month, a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country.

October 25, 2022 | Posted in News
children learning in class using laptops

Listening sessions are scheduled for Nov. 2 and 3.

October 24, 2022 | Posted in Environment
delegation from Clay County pose with MARC staff in front of heart sculpture in the MARC office lobby

Team Clay County (pictured) wins the "Top Plogger" award for largest overall number of volunteers at KC Plogtober.