
December 20, 2022 | Posted in Transportation
Bicyclist riding in bike lane on bridge with cars

MARC has proposed amendments to two important transportation plans — the Transportation Improvement Program and the Unified Planning Work Program.

December 19, 2022 | Posted in Aging
CareText graphic

CareTEXT is a program to support caregivers of people with dementia through text messages at no cost.

December 13, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing
12th Annual Workforce and Education Summit

More than 150 representatives from workforce, economic development, civic organizations, educational institutions, and local governments from across the region attended the Mid-America Regional Council’s (MARC) 12th Annual Workforce and Education Summit on Nov. 16 in Kansas City, Missouri.

December 13, 2022 | Posted in Environment
Sky and clouds

What is ozone and why do we care about it?

December 12, 2022 | Posted in Economy & Housing
Kansas City Plaza shopping district with Brush Creek in the foreground

The Kansas City economy appears headed for mild recession beginning in 2023, according to a forecast prepared by MARC Research Services for the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce’s annual economic forecast breakfast on Dec. 8, 2022.

December 9, 2022 | Posted in Health
Regional public health map and health department logo

Los expertos recomiendan vacunarse contra la gripe y la COVID-19 antes de las fiestas, así como tomar precauciones para reducir la propagación del virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR) y otras enfermedades respiratorias durante la Semana Nacional de la Vacunación Contra la Influenza

December 9, 2022 | Posted in Health
Regional public health map and health department logo

Experts recommend getting flu and COVID-19 vaccinations before the holidays and taking precautions to reduce the spread of RSV and other respiratory illnesses during National Influenza Vaccination Week

December 5, 2022 | Posted in Aging
Community for All Ages Logo

The Mid-America Regional Council will honor four Kansas City region cities for becoming more age-friendly. The cities will be recognized at their city council meetings in December and January. Parkville earned Silver Level status, while Bonner Springs, Harrisonville and Westwood will be recognized with Bronze Level awards.

December 1, 2022 | Posted in News
A walking path leads toward the Bond Bridge in Kansas City, Missouri.

Thanks to everyone who joined the MARC Board of Directors and Budget and Personnel Committee meetings on Nov. 22. We’re sharing selected highlights from the meetings for your awareness and use in regional conversations.

November 29, 2022 | Posted in Safety & Security
2023 OPA Awards Graphic

MARC's Public Safety Communication Program is currently accepting nominations for the 16th Annual Outstanding Performance Awards (OPAs).