Review and comment on project applications for federal funding

Sep 19, 2024
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Which projects in your community do you think should get federal funding? Let us know! Comments received will be provided to the committees and incorporated into the process of determining funding recommendations. 

In our role as Metropolitan Planning Organization for Greater Kansas City, MARC solicits proposals for four Federal Highway Administration funding programs:

  • Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)
  • Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ)
  • Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG)
  • STBG Set-aside (formerly Transportation Alternatives or TAP)

The application process for the 2027–2028 funding cycle consisted of two phases — a preapplication and initial screening followed by a full application and technical evaluation. The final phase of the call for projects closed on Friday, July 26, 2024. MARC received 151 complete project applications.

Throughout the fall of 2024, the Active Transportation Programming Committee, the Kansas and Missouri STP Priorities Committees, and the Transportation Emissions Committee will work to develop funding recommendations for these programs.

Public review and comments

Project application summaries are now available for review and comment by the public. Deadline for comments is Oct. 4.