Public invited to comment on Transportation Improvement Program amendment

Sep 17, 2024
| Posted in
Road milling machine resurfacing road

Transportation Improvement Program Amendment

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the region’s short-range program that identifies projects to receive federal funds and projects that are of regional significance to be implemented over the next three to five years. MARC amends the TIP on both a quarterly cycle and as needed to accommodate changes to projects in the TIP.

The proposed 2024 4th quarter amendment to the 2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Programs includes 8 projects:

  • 3 new projects to be added, including but not limited to:
    •  #380246 – KDOT - I-35, Mill and Overlay from W. 93rd Street to north of I-635 
    • #590360 – MoDOT – RT H, Pavement resurfacing in Buchanan, Clay, and Clinton Counties 
    • #956005 – Johnson County Transit – Buses and Associated Equipment 
  •  5 modified projects 
    • Scope 
    • Schedule 
    • Budget 

The deadline for comments is Friday, October 4, 2024.