A look at how the region’s transportation system is performing

Aug 03, 2023
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A couple crossing a crosswalk


Since 2010, MARC has used Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) to meet federal transportation system performance requirements and track progress towards regional goals outlined in Connected KC 2050, the region’s long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The graphic below illustrates the progress of the region in meeting targets for safety, infrastructure condition, and system performance. All system reliability measures and one-third of infrastructure condition measures in the region met their 2021 targets. Despite not meeting any safety targets in 2021, the fatality rate decreased from 2020 to 2021. 

Summary of Performance-Based-Planning-Programming Graphic

Setting new targets

MARC is currently working on developing new regional targets for federal measures and voluntary measures related to regional goals. The safety targets for 2023 have already been set. The Total Transportation Policy Committee is considering proposed targets for transit safety and asset management in 2023, and infrastructure and system performance targets for 2023 and 2025.

Traffic fatalities


See the full report

As the metropolitan planning organization for the region, MARC is responsible for ensuring that federal funds are used to make progress on these measures as a region.