Let us know what you think about the update to the region’s transportation plan

Nov 20, 2024
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A room full of people viewing a presentation on the update to Connected KC 2050 by Martin Rivarola

As a daily commuter, a business owner, or a concerned individual, your feedback is important. On the Connected KC 2050 website, you can learn about the updates which include new goals and strategies, comment on the projects list and take a survey. Your input is critical before we adopt the updated plan next year. The deadline to review the materials was Friday, Dec. 13.  

Check-in table with two people at the Connected KC 2050 public meeting
Check-in table with two people at the Connected KC 2050 public meeting

Connected KC 2050 is the metropolitan transportation plan for the Kansas City region. It guides spending for the next 25–30 years and aims to improve transportation in the region by setting goals, policies, strategies and prioritizing projects.

This plan update is required of all metro areas every five years and is set to be completed by 2025. Key takeaways of the update include data indicating that the region is becoming older and more diverse, with smaller household sizes. After review of financial projections, it is anticipated that the region will be able to advance some enhancements to the highway system to address existing congestion. However, although federal COVID-19 pandemic-related funding temporarily boosted transit operations over the past five years, long-term regional funding has not. Unfortunately, the current update predicts no new revenue for transit projects and services in the long-range plan. Addressing this funding gap for transit services will be a key recommendation in the plan.  

For more information about the update and to take the survey, visit connectedkc.org/update