MARC's ombudsman team rallies to relocate older adults

May 06, 2024
| Posted in
Older adult thinking

With little notice, the team worked to find new placements for the residents, who were transferred to 31 facilities within the region and eight facilities outside the region. In addition, 13 residents were relocated to community settings. In all cases, the residents’ rights were ensured, and the new placements were of their own choosing. The residents’ belongings were successfully transferred, along with medication lists and other information.

MARC's Long-term Care Ombudsman team, Regional Ombudsman Coordinator Angela Barnes and Regional Ombudsman Specialists Scott Rowe and Megan Hokenson, worked with Care Connections, an ombudsman program in Warrensburg, Missouri, to find the placements and get the residents moved. The group also worked with the Missouri Department of Regulations and Licensure, to contact residents prior to transfer. Afterwards, ombudsman volunteers visited each resident at their new facility to make sure everything was in order. The team continues to follow-up with all residents who transferred within the region, and the ombudsman programs in accepting regions will follow-up with those residents.

Kudos to the Ombudsman team! Not only did they positively impact the lives of the 175 residents, but also their families and loved ones who found relief through their guidance and support.