MARC’s Give 5 program launches third year of volunteer matching

Feb 03, 2025
| Posted in
Give 5 group

The classes are free for residents 60 years or older in Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte and Ray counties. 

Give 5 connects older adults with meaningful volunteer opportunities and allows them to “taste test” before committing. The sessions are divided by geographical area, and MARC provides lunch and transportation to various nonprofit organizations. 

Here are this year’s Give 5 sessions:

  • Feb. 13, 20, 27, March 6 and 13: features nonprofits in Clay and Platte Counties. Classes meet at the MARC offices, 600 Broadway, Kansas City, Missouri.
  • April 2 and 3: features nonprofits in Cass County. Classes meet at Harrisonville Community Center, 2400 Jefferson Parkway, Harrisonville, Missouri.
  • April 10, 17 and 24: features nonprofits in eastern Jackson County. Class location to be determined.

Give 5 is funded by the state of Missouri and administered statewide by the Missouri Association for Area Agencies on Aging.