2024 Age Positive conference stresses aging as an asset

May 20, 2024
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age positive nicole garner

The ninth annual Age Positive once again offered a forum for those who provide programming to older adults, but with a twist this year: a half-day preconference session that offered advocacy strategies and ways to build a unified message across the field of aging. That session shared information on advocacy training, field building and a panel discussion on best practices for cross-sectional partnerships.

On the second day, experts in the field provided workshops on a variety of topics unified around the theme “Age as an Asset.” 

Nicole Garner and Dr. Danielle Binion, both with the Center for African American Health at the University of Kansas Medical Center, presented their morning keynote address, “Unlocking the Power of Age: Embracing Aging as an Asset.” 

Afternoon keynote speaker Rachel Kail, an educator with Marigold, had everyone on their feet participating in activities during her inspiring closing address “Aging is an Asset... as are YOU.”

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