APBP 2024 Webinar - Multibenefit Corridors: Designing Our Streets for Multisystem Benefits

Add to Calendar 2024-11-20 14:00:00 2024-11-20 15:00:00 APBP 2024 Webinar - Multibenefit Corridors: Designing Our Streets for Multisystem Benefits As our world continues to change the value of our public rights-of-way and associated infrastructure are increasingly being recognized for the multiple benefits they can provide to our communities. In addition to the more traditional uses of transportation and utility corridors, green infrastructure on our streets can help clean water run-off; medians and adjacent land can provide ecosystem services and flood mitigation; design for active transportation and micromobility support sustainable transportation options reduce emissions and increase access to transit; and streetscape elements can combat urban heat to create comfortable places for people to walk, bike, and be outdoors. These diverse demands for our streets require an integrated approach to design and implementation that also leverage current funding opportunities. This presentation will highlight case studies where streets and infrastructure have been designed to provide these multiple and how to leverage funding for these investments. Guidance and tips for practitioners strategizing how to fund, design, and implement streets that capitalize on their full range of benefits will be a key theme for the presentation.PresentersSpencer Finich, PE, Alta Planning + Design Emily Duchon, PLA, Alta Planning + Design Online noreply@marc.org America/Chicago public

As our world continues to change the value of our public rights-of-way and associated infrastructure are increasingly being recognized for the multiple benefits they can provide to our communities. In addition to the more traditional uses of transportation and utility corridors, green infrastructure on our streets can help clean water run-off; medians and adjacent land can provide ecosystem services and flood mitigation; design for active transportation and micromobility support sustainable transportation options reduce emissions and increase access to transit; and streetscape elements can combat urban heat to create comfortable places for people to walk, bike, and be outdoors. These diverse demands for our streets require an integrated approach to design and implementation that also leverage current funding opportunities. This presentation will highlight case studies where streets and infrastructure have been designed to provide these multiple and how to leverage funding for these investments. Guidance and tips for practitioners strategizing how to fund, design, and implement streets that capitalize on their full range of benefits will be a key theme for the presentation.


  • Spencer Finich, PE, Alta Planning + Design 
  • Emily Duchon, PLA, Alta Planning + Design

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