
MARC convenes a number of committees focused on a variety of topics. By bringing together key decision-makers, we can work together to find and implement solutions to the challenges our region faces.

Most committee meetings take place at the MARC Conference Center in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Please notify us least 48 hours in advance if you require special accommodations, such as a qualified interpreter, large print, reader, or hearing assistance to attend a meeting. We will make every effort to meet reasonable requests.

Items per page
Bus and streetcar at intersection in the River Market

Total Transportation Policy Committee (TTPC)

The Total Transportation Policy Committee (TTPC) serves as the local decision-making and policy development body related to multimodal transportation in the region.

Focus Area: Transportation

People walking on the Trolley Track trail

Active Transportation Programming Committee

The Active Transportation Programming committee oversees federal programs that provide funds for projects that benefit pedestrians, bicyclists and other nonmotorized transportation users.

Focus Area: Transportation

Propeller plane on runway

Aviation Committee

The Aviation Committee assists in the development of airport system plans and addresses other aviation issues as need arises.

Focus Area: Transportation

Bike in protected bike lane next to car

Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee

The Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is a regional forum that is briefed on bicycle and pedestrian matters in the Kansas City area.

Focus Area: Transportation

Traffic congestion on freeway

Destination Safe Committee

Destination Safe is a coalition governed by a committee with a membership that includes local, regional, state and federal representatives from transportation, emergency response, law enforcement, public health and nonprofit groups dedicated to transportation safety.

Focus Area: Transportation

Woman using computer driving simulator

Destination Safe Public Information and Education Subcommittee

This task team provides a forum to coordinate and support education and outreach efforts of the Destination Safe partners.

Focus Area: Transportation

Roads and bridge with data symbols overlaid

Destination Safe Transportation Safety Data Subcommittee

The Safety Data Task Team provides a forum to improve the collection, management and analysis of transportation safety data, enhance the timeliness, accuracy and reliability of transportation safety data, and help regional partners make data-driven transportation safety decisions.

Focus Area: Transportation

Forklift and cargo shipping containers

Goods Movement Committee

The Goods Movement Committee is a subcommittee of the Total Transportation Policy Committee (TTPC).

Focus Area: Transportation

Highway with blue sky and clouds

Highway Committee

The Highway Committee is a subcommittee of the Total Transportation Policy Committee, and acts as the advisory body to the TTPC on matters involving highway issues, highway project priorities as well as highway management.

Focus Area: Transportation

Road under construction with signs and barrels

Kansas STP Priorities Committee

The Kansas STP Priorities Committee provides project funding recommendations to the Total Transportation Policy Committee for the federal and state of Kansas Surface Transportation Program funds.

Focus Area: Transportation

Road under construction with signs and barrels

Missouri STP Priorities Committee

The Missouri STP Priorities Committee provides project funding recommendations to the Total Transportation Policy Committee for the federal and state of Missouri Surface Transportation Program funds.

Focus Area: Transportation

Man in wheelchair being lowered on van lift

Mobility Advisory Committee

The Mobility Advisory Committee (MAC) is a subcommittee of the Regional Transit Coordinating Council. The committee is co-administered by MARC and the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority. The MAC convenes quarterly to address issues regarding enhanced mobility in the Kansas City region.

Focus Area: Transportation

Green traffic light with blue sky background

Operation Green Light Committee

The Operation Green Light Committee works to improve the coordination of traffic signals on major routes throughout the Kansas City area, especially those that cross city limits.

Focus Area: Transportation

Bike rider on street with bus in background

Regional Transit Coordinating Council

The Regional Transit Coordinating Council is an advisory body to MARC, Kansas City Area Transportation Authority and local jurisdictions. It convenes on a quarterly basis to address regional transit planning, coordination and implementation of transit priorities.

Focus Area: Transportation

People buying items at downtown Overland Park farmers market

Sustainable Places Policy Committee

The Sustainable Places Policy Committee provides leadership and policy advice to MARC’s Board of Directors in regional sustainable development.

Focus Area: Transportation

Cars idling in traffic

Transportation Emissions Committee

The Transportation Emissions Committee oversees programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from on-road transportation sources; the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program and the Carbon Reduction Program.

Focus Area: Transportation