Destination Safe Committee

Traffic congestion on freeway

Destination Safe is a coalition governed by a committee with a membership that includes local, regional, state and federal representatives from transportation, emergency response, law enforcement, public health and nonprofit groups dedicated to transportation safety. Destination Safe has set a goal of achieving an average of 180 or fewer roadway fatalities annually. To achieve that goal, the work of the safety partners is performed through various committees and subcommittees.

Transportation Safety

Call for Projects

This annual funding project, overseen by the Destination Safe Coalition, works to prevent transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries within Greater Kansas City. Funding and grant management for these projects come from both the Kansas Department of Transportation and the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety.



Jen Jordan-Spence
Gardner, Kansas Grant Program Coordinator

Sherri Miller
Beacon Mental Heath

MARC staff contact

Alicia Hunter


Meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month during odd-numbered months from 9 to 10:30 a.m. The November meeting is held the second to last Wednesday (the week before Thanksgiving).