Have you ever wondered how public transportation services are funded in the Kansas City region?
From access to jobs, saving money, emissions reductions to economic and social mobility, public transportation in the Kansas City region has the potential to significantly impact the quality of life for residents and increase economic vitality in the region. Meeting that potential requires public investment.
Join WAY TO GO and MARC for an info-packed presentation and panel discussion to learn about how public transit is funded in the KC region and how our region stacks up to our peers. You’ll hear from a MARC planning staff and a panel of transit leaders in the region on their vision for creating a public transportation system that supports a thriving Kansas City region.
Presenters and panelists:
- Lukas Yanni, Transportation Planner, Mid-America Regional Council
- Tom Gerend, Executive Director, KC Streetcar
- AJ Farris, Planning Manager, Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
- Deasiray Bush, Director, Unified Government Transit
- David Johnson, Past President, Regional Transit Alliance
- Josh Powers, Transit Division Director, Johnson County