SWMD Management Council

Add to Calendar 2024-11-20 09:00:00 2024-11-20 10:30:00 SWMD Management Council Topic: Reuse in the Kansas City MetroWhat is the role of reuse stores in keeping materials out of landfills? There are more thrift stores in the region and other organizations that also receive, sell, distribute, and repurpose household items. Come and learn how the flow of materials in and out of reuse organizations and businesses diverts materials from the waste stream. Can this activity be enhanced, strengthened, and integrated into the Regional Solid Waste plan? MARC offices, 600 Broadway, Suite 200, Kansas City, Mo. 64105 Solid Waste Management District Management Council America/Chicago public
MARC offices, 600 Broadway, Suite 200, Kansas City, Mo. 64105

Topic: Reuse in the Kansas City Metro

What is the role of reuse stores in keeping materials out of landfills? There are more thrift stores in the region and other organizations that also receive, sell, distribute, and repurpose household items. Come and learn how the flow of materials in and out of reuse organizations and businesses diverts materials from the waste stream. Can this activity be enhanced, strengthened, and integrated into the Regional Solid Waste plan?

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Dates and locations may change upon the discretion of the district chair with proper notice to the members. The annual meeting and annual strategic planning retreat are generally held in lieu of a Management Council meeting. The district convenes advisory and ad hoc committees as needed.

Focus Area: Environment