Grant Writing Workshop

Add to Calendar 2025-04-28 09:00:00 2025-04-28 16:00:00 Grant Writing Workshop This grant writing class covers how to write grant proposals start to finish and how to locate and track relevant grant opportunities. Federal, state, local and non-governmental, private sector grants are covered. You'll learn everything you need to know to get started writing grants.Beginning and experienced grant writers from city, county and state agencies as well as healthcare organizations, nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend. Beginners will learn what they need to be successful. Experienced attendees will gain new insights, sharpen skills, affirm their knowledge and value, and leave with a sense of renewed confidence in their abilities and mission. Each participants will receive terrific instruction, a workbook, and access to the Alumni Forum that's packed full of tools, helpful articles and more a library of sample grant proposals. MARC offices, 600 Broadway, Suite 200, Kansas City, Mo. 64105 America/Chicago public
MARC offices, 600 Broadway, Suite 200, Kansas City, Mo. 64105

This grant writing class covers how to write grant proposals start to finish and how to locate and track relevant grant opportunities. Federal, state, local and non-governmental, private sector grants are covered. You'll learn everything you need to know to get started writing grants.

Beginning and experienced grant writers from city, county and state agencies as well as healthcare organizations, nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend. Beginners will learn what they need to be successful. Experienced attendees will gain new insights, sharpen skills, affirm their knowledge and value, and leave with a sense of renewed confidence in their abilities and mission. Each participants will receive terrific instruction, a workbook, and access to the Alumni Forum that's packed full of tools, helpful articles and more a library of sample grant proposals.

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Additional information

Who Can Attend?

The workshop is for government and nonprofit professionals. Staff, administrators, grant managers and makers, subawardees, consultants and board members are welcome. For-profit businesses seeking grants to fund workforce development and training or, research and development for the advancement of technology, medicine and/or national security are welcome, as are individual grant seekers such as artists, filmmakers and researchers. Faith-based organizations are encouraged to attend.

Learning Objectives

  • How and where to find grants:
    • Where's the money?  Finding federal and state government grant makers.
    • Where's the money?  Finding foundation grant programs.
    • Where's the money?  Finding corporate giving programs.
    • Where's the money?  Tracking grant opportunities so you don't miss application deadlines.
  • How to write winning grants:
    • The essential components of a grant proposal package.
    • How to customize a proposal to match a grant maker's interest.
    • How to initially approach a funder.
    • The differences between government and foundation proposals.
    • How to report on a grant's progress and impact.
    • How to develop working relationships with grant makers.
    • What to do if your proposal is denied (don't give up!).
    • The behind-the-scenes decisions that determine proposal acceptance and denial.

And much, much more.

Topics: Grant writing

Focus Area: Local Government