An illustration representing the Bi-State Sustainable Reinvestment Corridor. For decorative use only.

Bi-State Public Meeting #3

849B N 47th Street, Kansas City, Kansas 66102

Join the Bi-State Sustainable Reinvestment Corridor project team on Tuesday, Feb. 25 for an in-person open house public meeting for updates on this dynamic project! 

When: Tuesday, Feb. 25, 5-7 pm. Brief presentation at 5:30 pm, repeated at 6:15 pm.
Where: Unified Government Transportation Department conference room, 849B N 47th Street, Kansas City, Kansas 66102. Located between the Area Agency on Aging and KCKPD East Patrol Station.

  • Learn about and provide feedback on new potential transit options from east to west along the corridor and how communities can benefit.
  • Hear more about how a holistic approach to regional development that prioritizes sustainable transportation, renewable energy, and community safety can foster long-term growth and improved quality of life across the Kansas City metropolitan area

The project team is committed to providing equal access to this event for all participants. If you need reasonable accommodation, please email Lara Schopp at least 48 hours in advance. Public transportation is available via RideKC bus routes including 101, 102, 106, 113 and 116. 

For those unable to attend this public meeting, the project outreach team is available to make presentations to neighborhood and community groups who are interested in more information. Please contact Lara Schopp.

Learn more about the study
This is the third of four public meetings for the initial phase of the project; one additional public meeting will follow. Visit the project website for more information. If you have questions, contact Ron Achelpohl or Lukas Yanni at, or call 816-474-4240.