APWA 5600 Updates - Planning and Policy Focus Group

Add to Calendar 2024-09-17 09:00:06 2024-09-17 11:00:06 APWA 5600 Updates - Planning and Policy Focus Group You are invited to a planning and policy focus group meeting for the updates that are being completed of the regional stormwater design criteria including APWA 5600 and MARC BMP Manual. This registration is for the in-person meeting taking place at Mid-America Regional Council in the Broadway room.  The in-person meeting is limited, please join us virtually if registration is full. America/Chicago public

You are invited to a planning and policy focus group meeting for the updates that are being completed of the regional stormwater design criteria including APWA 5600 and MARC BMP Manual. This registration is for the in-person meeting taking place at Mid-America Regional Council in the Broadway room.  The in-person meeting is limited, please join us virtually if registration is full.

Register now

Focus Area: Environment