Mid-America HazMat and Emergency Preparedness Alliance

Hazardous materials team inspecting items

The Mid-America HazMat and Emergency Preparedness Alliance (formerly the Mid-America Local Emergency Planning Committee) brings private industry together with public emergency response agencies in the Kansas City metropolitan region.

MAHEPA is a public-private partnership that serves the Kansas City Metro LEPC and the Missouri LEPD.

The purpose of the MAHEPA is to help reduce the community’s risks from accidents involving hazardous chemicals through coordinated planning, training, exercises and public education.

Next Meeting


Color: Green

March 13, 2025 | 10:00 am
MARC Board Room, 600 Broadway, Suite 200, Kansas City, Mo. 64105

A virtual option is also available.

Current priorities

  • Convene monthly meetings of industry and fire response agencies, other agencies and the public to reduce risks from hazardous materials incidents in the Kansas City region.
  • Update the inventory of locations of hazardous chemicals stored in the eight-county area (the Tier II database).
  • Continue outreach to area businesses to assist them in meeting state reporting requirements regarding hazardous chemicals.
  • Provide a forum for school officials to come together and discuss safety and preparedness strategies with each other and other officials.
  • Respond to requests from the public for hazardous materials information.
  • Apply for funding opportunities with the state of Kansas and the state of Missouri to support program goals.


MO Chair: Jason Bonney, Central Jackson County Fire Protection District
MO Co-Chair: Jason Green, Kansas City National Security Campus managed by Honeywell

KS Chair: Lane Sekavec, Union Pacific Railroad
KS Co-Chair: Chance Grey, Kansas City, Kan. Fire Department