Community Health Worker Collaborative

CHW visits client at home - standing at door

The Mid-America Regional Council has supported a KC Regional Community Health Worker Collaborative since 2016. The Collaborative has focused on capacity building, advocacy and sustainability of the profession.

  • The KC Regional CHW Collaborative meets quarterly.
  • The CHW Advocacy subcommittee and the CHW Forum both meet on the fourth Thursday of each month (other than November and December holidays).

Collaborative co-chairs

Dr. Manuel Solano
Shalese Clay

Forum co-chairs

Kevin Ochoa
Miranda Coffey

Advocacy subcommittee

Valencia Broadus
Guadalupe Tredway

Sustainability subcommittee

Florence Adegoke

Capacity building subcommittee

Mariah Chrans
Vanessa Camacho Zepeda

MARC staff contact

Hannayd Ruiz