New and improved Kansas City Region COVID-19 Data Hub available

Sep 21, 2020
| Posted in
Artistic enlargement of COVID-19 virus

The updated hub provides hospitalization information and school gating criteria.

The tabs located on the left make it easy to find that information along with a regional overview of metrics over the past seven days, the number of COVID-19 cases listed by counties in the MARC region, the number of tests administered and the positivity rate, the number of deaths from COVID-19, and more.

Click on the Hospitalizations tab for daily snapshots and trend data on the usage of total hospital beds, ICU beds and ventilators.

The School Gating Criteria Metrics tab offers an overview of suggested PreK–12 school gating criteria considerations, with cases and positivity rates within red, yellow and green zones.

Other notable new features include:

  • Jurisdiction selectors which allow users to compare metrics among the nine counties in the MARC region plus Kansas City, Missouri. Regional Kansas and Missouri filter options are also available. 
  • Weekly change data showing previous weekly and biweekly change in cases, deaths and testing.

The cases, tests and deaths data on the hub is maintained each day between 5-6 p.m. through a combination of manual and automated updates.

Hospitalization data for the previous day is updated between 7-8 a.m. on weekdays and by 2 p.m. on the weekends. Check the area under the tabs for the date of the latest update.