Give 5 program graduates connect to meaningful volunteer opportunities

Jul 10, 2023
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Give 5 graduates

Give 5 is a volunteer matching and social engagement program that matches older adults with volunteer opportunities at nonprofit organizations. Give 5 also exposes participants to dynamic guest speakers and introduces a variety of ways to be civically engaged. This spring, Give 5 participants got to hear from eight community experts and learn about volunteer opportunities from 29 nonprofit organizations.

The Give 5 program helps older adults find meaningful ways to stay connected to their communities and can prevent the health risks that social isolation can cause. Give 5 also supports older adults in identifying and trying out opportunities that could lead to a long-term volunteer role, and allows nonprofits to tap into the community of older adults who have time, resources and skills that can further their mission. 

If you’re interested in joining the Give 5 program this fall, sign up on the waiting list. (Participants must live in Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte and Ray counties in Missouri.)

Give 5 is funded by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and is administered statewide by the Missouri Association for Area Agencies on Aging.